Submit Guest Post

Guest Post Submissions

Please use the form below to submit your guest posts to us. You can also use this to submit ideas for guest posts or drafts you want us to consider.
We’ll try to respond as quickly as we can to each one, but due to time constraints, we aren’t always able to provide feedback on rejected stories. We get a lot of submissions, and we publish only the best.
Here are some pointers on how to write a successful Guest post : 
  1. Guest columns usually run about 600 – 800 words.
  2. Make a strong, clear argument. Come down on one side of an issue, or advance a theory. We want to stir discussion.
  3. Provide specific examples of companies and true anecdotes to illustrate the points you’re making — the more the better.
  4. If a piece feels self-serving or self-promotional for your company, we’ll pass.
  5. Be sure to disclose conflicts of interest, such as partnerships with, or investments in, any companies/technologies covered in the story.
  6. Screenshots or infographics help. Make them simple and clear. Include links to the images, or mention that that they’re available.
  7. Submit Guest Post, Guest Post Sites, Add a Site, Submit Website
Please contact if you have any questions.

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Your Message: (required)

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